Strong public relations programs add value in and of themselves, with the publicity or media relations aspects adding to that value. While we can pitch a story to an editor as well as anyone in the business, we understand that the real public relations are in good works, alliances and partnerships, not in just crowing about them. Valek and Company helps clients to identify their most influential communities and audiences and where good works and public relations visibility is most beneficial. We also help our clients to identify allies and common communities where joint efforts can have great impact.
Valek & Co. public relations programs focus on communicating the most highly valued attributes of our clients' brands. Our team members have contributed to successful public relations efforts on behalf of Defibtech, Illinois HIV Care Connect, Illinois Women Against Cervical Cancer, Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology — Chicago Chapter, Berwyn Public Health District, Horace Mann Educators Corporation, Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, Plumbing Manufacturers International, Promet Energy, St. James Hospital and Health Centers, and many other organizations.